Friday, November 8, 2019

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer essays

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer essays Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone I have to admit that I was rather upset to find out that we had to read this book. I have never been interested in science fiction/fantasy stories before, and I never understood what all the hype about Harry Potter was all about. As I reluctantly began to read the story, I soon found myself tearing through the pages eager to find out what happened next. As the story began, I was reminded of Cinderella. Just as Cinderellas stepmother and stepsisters treated her unfairly, Harry too grew up in a home unwanted and unloved. Both Cinderella and Harry watched their sibling(s) being doted on and spoiled with lavish gifts as they were forced to accept hand-me-downs, perform all the chores, and receive only the bare necessities needed to survive. After both grew up not knowing any other way of life, they were both magically rescued and taken away to enjoy all the riches that their families would envy. I could identify with Harrys character on many levels. I know what its like first hand to go somewhere where everything is foreign and new. Two years ago, I traveled with a friend of mine to Italy. Unable to speak the language and unaccustomed to the culture, like Harry during his first few days at school, I too had extreme difficulty finding my way around and trying to blend in. People stared at me like I was some strange creature when I didnt understand what they were saying to me. Simple things like dining out in a restaurant were difficult for me to do. The money was different, the time of day was different, I had all the wrong clothes, and the people and their culture were entirely different to what I have been accustomed to. I could only imagine the culture shock that Harry encountered when he left the Muggle world. I also found myself recounting my first days at a public high school after having attended a small, private C ...

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