Writing a history research paper
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysing Jamaican Creole Through English Language Essay
Breaking down Jamaican Creole Through English Language Essay Creoles can be commonly characterized as really blended dialects, which rose up out of the mixing together of at least two unique dialects and turned into the native language of another age of speakers, obtaining the full scope of open capacities that a local language needs (Svartvik 2006: p.183). Most creoles created because of imperialism and lived one next to the other with the prevailing language. As an outcome, these contact assortments were diminished to bring down capacities and seen as degenerate or broken types of the language from which they inferred. By and by, since postcolonial times, there has been a move towards the acknowledgment and acknowledgment of national dialects and personalities, which has offered ascend to another status and open doors for those slandered assortments (Schneider 2007). Jamaican Creole, for the most part known as Patwa, can be considered as a genuine case of English-based creole which has started to conquer shame around its utilization and be p erceived as a completely evolved language, just as an image of Jamaican character ( Schneider 2010: p.102). Jamaican Creole has its birthplaces in the late seventeenth century, when British colonized the domain (1655) and imported slaves from West Africa to work in the manors. Those Africans before long began to dwarf white populace and turned into the etymological models of the new slaves, contributing with this to spread the creole (Schneider 2007). During the times of expansionism, Jamaicaâ's language and culture were ruled by the British standards. In this sense, Standard English was considered as the most elevated assortment, procured through proper training and utilized out in the open and formal setting (Devonish and Harry 2008: p. 256); as far as it matters for its, Jamaican Creole was criticized as an adulterated twisting of English, to be stayed away from no matter what out in the open talk (Schneider 2010: p.102). After autonomy in 1962, a feeling of patriotism rose and prompted new perspectives towards Jamaicaâ's national culture and language. In any case, along these lines f or acknowledgment was difficult and Jamaicans needed to battle against biases and an exonormative direction which supported the Standard assortment without considering real factors of language use and the Jamaicansâ' personality (Schneider 2007: p.234). The figure of Louise Bennett might be utilized to speak to the soul of this period and can assist us with understanding the current semantic circumstance in Jamaica. Consequently, taking one of the Bennettâ's most acclaimed sonnets Back to Africa (1966), we will break down the highlights of Jamaican Creole, just as the explanation that drove the writer to utilize this assortment and the thoughts she needed to transmit. The sonnet manages a young lady, called Miss Mattie, who needs to return to Africa since she believes that her country is there. The wonderful voice builds up a gathering of contentions to make an effort not to emigrate to that landmass and, simultaneously, offers the peruser a decent depiction of Jamaicaâ's quintessence. Right off the bat, Bennett presents Jamaicaâ's populace as a mix of various societies: (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦) you incredible extraordinary/Granma was African/But Mattie, doan you extraordinary/Granpa was Englishman? (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦)/You entire age (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦)/oonoo everything is Jamaican! As indicated by Holm (2000: p.93): Ethnic birthplace of the populace in the 1960 enumeration was 76% African, 15% Afro-European, 3.5% East Indian, 1% European, 1% Chinese and 3% other. These days, it is evaluated that over 90% of Jamaicaâ's populace are of African birthplace (Schneider 2008: p.610). Also, the artist insinuates Jamaicansâ' facial highlights and shading, which mirror their African legacy and recognize them from English individuals: goodness, you see the face/and between you a de Africans/is extraordinary similarity!. Consequently, Bennett presents in this sonnet the characterizing qualities of the Jamaican populace: their social blend and their solid African roots. At long last, the idyllic voice asserts that the young lady doesn't have to search for her country since Jamaica is as of now her home: you dah go fe look for you homelan/for a privilege deh so you deh!. In this sense, the writer thinks about that the genuine country is where one is conceived, as opposed to the nation of familial birthplaces. In a similar vein, Bennett additionally appears to urge Jamaicans to acknowledge their African legacy and make the island their own home, as it is simply the best way to accomplish distinguishing proof: do Sure a whe you originate from so you got/somewhe fe return to! With respect to language, the sonnet is totally written in basilectal creole. Jamaican Creole has West African dialects as its substrate (Startvik 2006: p. 183); which implies that dialects from Akan, Kwa and Buntu families are probably going to have affected piece of Jamaican fundamental language structure and elocution (Patrick 2008: p.610). In this sense, as it very well may be found in the sonnet, Jamaican Creole offers a few qualities with the remainder of Atlantic Creoles and varies in certain perspectives from the English sentence structure. Initially, in Jamaican Creole, tense and perspective are not set apart by inflectional morphology, yet by setting. Hence, neither the third individual particular - s nor the past type of the action word come were found in the sonnet: Ef the entire worl start ['startsâ'] fe return/whe dem incredible granpa come ['cameâ'] from!. In a similar vein, dynamic perspective is just motioned by pre-verbal dah (you no know wha you dah seh?) and the base type of the action word is utilized to communicate participle work in do/Sure a whe you come ['have comeâ'] from (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦); be that as it may, non-harmony was shows up in the sonnet to communicate the past type of the action word to be: (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦) you incredible extraordinary/Granma was Africa. Also, helper action words were not found in inquisitive or negative sentences. Invalidation is set apart by methods for the preverbal negator no, both in negative declaratives sentences and in basic ones. The utilization of no is an unmistakably creole element (Scheneider 2010: p.106), which is additionally extremely basic in different dialects, for example, Spanish, and can be found in the beginning periods of the sentence structure of second language students, just as in kid language securing. Other negative structures are the utilization of doan in negative labels (But Mattie, doan you extraordinary incredible/Granpa was Englisman?) and the nearness of twofold nullifications (But no tell no one state); which is an element that shows up in different creoles, yet additionally in other non-standard English assortments (Schneider 2010: p.106). Concerning, first and second close to home structures were discovered: Me, you, oonoo ('unuâ') and furthermore inquisitive pronouns, for example, weh/whe ('whereâ'), just as the possessive structure who-fa ('whoseâ'). Besides, as Patrick (2008: p.633) claims, exposed individual pronouns now and then satisfy possessive capacities; in this sense, you can allude to the individual pronoun you or to the possessive you: Ef a difficult time you dah run from/Tek you ('yourâ') possibility!. In a similar way, a solitary relational word can likewise cover a scope of capacities (Schneider 2010: p.106): Mus return a ('toâ') Englan, de balance an ('ofâ') you family. The utilization of a solitary structure assuming a few jobs is a trademark that all the semantic frameworks have because of applying one of the most major standards of the language: economy. Another element of Jamaican Creole is the absence of linguistic postfixes (Schneider 2010: p.106). In this sense, possessive - s is evaded and, as Patrick (2008: p.633) says, ownership can be communicated by juxtaposition (possessor+ had), as in extraordinary granmader fader, or by the utilization of the relational word an ('ofâ'), as in de balance a you family. In a similar vein, plural of things are commonly not checked or they are communicated by methods for the morpheme dem, despite the fact that it was not found in this sonnet; rather, Louise Bennett interchanges zero-stamping of plural (American), extremely normal in basilectal discourse, with the plural allomorph - s (Africans), which is shut to mesolectal and acrolectal structures. At last, it is important to call attention to the utilization of inactive implications in dynamic structure (as in oonoo all horse shelter excrement a Bun Grung), just as the utilization of fe ('toâ') as the infinitive marker and the nearness of state and seh as the complementizer (correspoding to that) to present a finit object condition after action words of reasoning or talking (Schneider 2010: p. 106): Me know say dat ['I know thatâ'] (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦) Aside from the punctuation, the way where a few words were composed adds to reflect locally articulation highlights. In this sense, it was discovered that the diphthong/ei/, as in 'takeâ', is monophthongized, offering ascend to the structure tek. In a similar way, fricatives [ãžâ ¸], [ãÆ'â °] and [ãšâ€™]â do not exist in Jamaican creole (Devonish and Harry 2008: p. 285); accordingly, they are subbed by stops (Schneider 2010: p.105), as on account of dat ('thatâ'), fader/mader ('fatherâ'/'motherâ') or sanctum ('thenâ'). At last, as in different assortments, word-last or syllable-last consonant groups are generally excluded (Schneider 2010: p.105); this can be found in words as granpa/granma ('grandpaâ'/'grandmaâ'), an ('andâ'), mus ('mustâ') or homelan ('homelandâ'). Keeping in touch with her sonnets in Jamaican Creole and discussing a national character, Louise Bennett demonstrates her responsibility to a language and a culture that have been underestimate and minimized all through time. In this sense, she shows that Jamaican Creole is neither a wrecked or insufficient assortment, at the same time, as it was dissected, one completely created language with its own syntax and jargon (Svartvik 2006: p. 176) and; thusly, as capable as the Standard English to communicate the entire scope of human encounters, musings and feelings. Figures as Louise Bennett added to ingrain pride in Jamaicanâ's national language and culture; that is the reason, these days the etymological circumstance in this nation is tot
Friday, August 21, 2020
Compare And Contrast Theory With Practice Social Work Essay Essays
Look into Theory With Practice Social Work Essay Essays Look into Theory With Practice Social Work Essay Look into Theory With Practice Social Work Essay Case course is the technique of helping patients with lives that are non gainful or agreeable as a result of a figure of employments among them medication and substance abuse. Case course in cultural work is whereby a cultural laborer expertly evaluates the requests of the customer and their few family units ( Ballew A ; Mink 1997 ) . The cultural laborer so organizes, delegate, assesses, orchestrates and advocates an adequate help group to run into the customer s or patient s requests. Case heading contrasts from oversaw consideration whereby the previous is intended to acquire the most proper and potentially best intercession for patients while the last is intended to maintain a strategic distance from hospitalization or beginner shorter clinic bodices subsequently cut bringing down expenses brought about. Case executives proficient authentications will comprise freely of the adherents: A Masterss former student certify by the chamber on cultural work guidance Have a present region or national cultural work confirmation or permit At any rate two mature ages work involvement with the Masterss level partner to bio-psych cultural requests Rehearsing in accordance with government and territory statutes and Torahs A follower to the cultural work codification of moralss ( National Association of Social Workers NASW ) Case course comprises mental and clinical constituents. As a pre-need in this way, an example chief ought to have the option to go to a grouping of undertakings some of which may include: Emergency intervention: where the patient s area or situation connotes an emergency requiring squeezing joining in Asset protections firm: This includes marshaling of the vital assets to get down mediation. Collaboration coaction: The passing on together of the considerable number of partners associated with the mediation program Customer/family guidance: Provision of all the essential data and guidance identified with the status and mediation process. Customer/family protagonism: Advocate for patient or customer where society or family unit takes care of a lot of requests ( Halley, Kopp A ; Austin 1997 ) Mental examination and demonstrative processs Results and rating: Interpretation of patient examination outcomes. Customer/family unit direction: Initiate persistent/family reding Sessionss. Most essentially the occurrence executive starts a crew situated assault to case course. For the most part occasion bearing processs offered by associations are affected dependent on a screening procedure result. This testing principles will nail every single collective help through coordination of top notch consideration administrations. The coordination is intended to chop down any help atomization. A definitive finish of this method is place patients: With truly won unwellness or hurt With terminal status With constant unwellness or unwellness in an ague stage The coordination of the occurrence administrations during testing is planned for increasing the personal satisfaction and suitable utilization of wellbeing consideration assets. Customer testing should cover the undermentioned features: Monetary Ecological Physical Mental Social/strict Professional Customer mental demonstrating is accomplished through an examination method which may incorporate among different constituents: Tolerant s individual informations Persistent s wellbeing position and age Quiet s passionate and financial position Quiet s professional and practical position including spiritualty Subjective working focusing on the customer The example bearing technique misuses a figure of mediation choices. The occurrence chief helps customers/patients and family unit individuals to set up a fit intercession program. The program pinpoints the patient s qualities and strong frameworks. These are utilized during the execution. On the other hand the occurrence chief may manage a patient from network to an inpatient establishment and back to the network scene. The chief so adjusts an intercession program fit to the patient s requests in every one of the set ups. Coordinated effort as an alternative can other than be utilized where the occurrence chief cooperatively and together includes the patient s family unit and others refering the execution of the intercession program. The gatherings are consistently refreshed about the progression, finishes, blocks and any vacillations to the underlying intercession program. The Patrician movement in all probability receives this kind of assault or example dependent on the way that this movement considers the family as an essential social unit that can be straight engaged with the mediation and bar of substance and medication abuse ( The Patrician Movement 2010 ) . An of import feature refering any technique is the affirmation method. In the occurrence course method the chief creates fit occasion heading programs which are reported in the patient s record. These confirmation ought to be open by all pertinent and approved crew associated with the intercession program of the patient in request. The affirmation contains basic data dependent on the current or proposed intercession program. Subsequently all clinical accreditation ought to be kept classified and treated as so. The case heading technique must hold a built up estimating of results. The program s result indexs ought to incorporate learned and mensural closures for each activity, the headway being inconsistently estimated by the example chief alongside the steady crew. The estimation indexs will include: Goals of the activity: This will incorporate the patient consideration plans suggesting the per centums met, somewhat met or non yet met. The patient s level of commitment to mediation assessed by mensurating the going to frequences for the appointed intercession Sessionss. A diminishing in processs and intercessions that was spontaneous for. Administration costs, accommodated administration degrees and utilization of assets The patient s or customer s fulfillment which can be inferred by the utilization of devices, for example, polls any semblance of DUKE, Darmouth Co-operation or SF-36. Degrees of patient fulfillment can other than be shown through agreement reestablishment by the customer ordinarily a file of insurance agency fulfillment. The patrician movement was established at St Patrick Parish on the Eastern side of San Antonio in Texas in the late 1950 s as a congregation based medication and substance abuse bar and intercession establishment. At first established as a desert spring from multi racial power inside the region, patrician movement laminitiss understood the interest to go to the substance abuse that was unmistakably obvious among the different pack individuals who came to look for cover at the area. The movement has generally developed into a to the undeniable establishment today offering bar and mediation administrations from an all encompassing purpose of position ( The Patrician Movement 2010 ) . The intercession plan is generally disposed on a self evaluation venture doing each example interesting in its ain sense. The core build grasped by the patrician movement focuses to the way that every individual is separated from everyone else and has an option to create maximal power. The family is underl ined as the essential unit of society and guidance as vital for human turn of events and intercession. The bar and intercession administrations at the patrician movement are marginally alone. This is because of the way that bar and mediation strategy are family unit arranged and oversaw. Case chiefs are essentially from inside the network and a traditionalist assault to restoration technique is followed. Among the example executives are those with specific achievements, others are previous customers of the patrician movement while some are family individuals ( Ballew A ; Mink 1997 ) The patrician movement is worried about the entire individual and serves the San Antonio populace in a general sense. Anyway the full Texas territory other than profits by the administrations of this movement. This movement holding began at network degree and as a network endeavor is subsequently firmly San Antonio based. While influencing the family in example bearing ; patrician movement is helping to build more grounded restoration plans with useful answerability and development. The age section secured by the administrations offered at Patrician movement runing from 18 to 65 mature ages guarantees a more extensive populace is provided food for. Patrician movement runs a short key family unit treatment ( BSFT ) to accommodate childs showing early substance abuse and misconduct. By focusing on the family unit as a base of contact and recovery Patrician movement guarantees full network commitment in the plans in this way doing them rather adequate. Set up in a varying race society, Patrician movement cross racial assault to mediation and bar keeps on exciting network support from individuals of grouped race. Posted insights are revelatory of the way that each piece at 2003 more than 2500 family units had been presented with more than 2200 adults each piece great. Proportionately this suggests around one adult for every family unit. This implies medication and substance abuse rate in San Antonio is high. A scrutinizing of the declarations from the Patrician movement site shows a network brimming with appreciation to the administrations offered at the movement. The GED sheepskin plan is among the alone help offered at Patrician movement intended to approve the populace mentally. By focusing all in all individual the Patrician movement brags a higher degree achievement in recovery not at all like the regular assaults that will mostly concentra
Essay --
Herman Melville, one of the more notable names in Gothic writing, saw the world in an unexpected way. Liberated from the Puritan talk, Melville especially delighted in the joys of the common world. Melville voyaged, and invested energy among Natives. In a few records he portrayed his good time among them, and displayed the possibility of respectable savages past the fringes of America. Without such catastrophe to fuel him, Melville wrote hopeful accounts of experience and energy. The world wasn't a snare or a test, yet a rich pearl shellfish to be sought after and celebrated. Genuine popularity, or if nothing else heritage, came later, with the distribution of Moby-Dick. A darker story, yet overwhelming with experience, Moby-Dick was without a doubt an account of catastrophe. Ahab, the notorious chief in the story, was driven by a fixation to chase down a whale that harmed him years preceding the story's start. As opposed to tolerating this as nature being somewhat hazardous Ahab, ag ainst the better judgment of different individuals from his team, anthropomorphised the main whale, considering it to be a somebody, not something, that wronged him and des...
Monday, July 13, 2020
Gabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, Treatment
Gabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, Treatment Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Print How Long Does Withdrawal From Gabapentin Last? By Corinne O’Keefe Osborn linkedin Corinne Osborn is an award-winning health and wellness journalist with a background in substance abuse, sexual health, and psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Corinne O’Keefe Osborn Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on November 26, 2018 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on December 05, 2019 More in Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Signs and Symptoms Coping and Relief Warnings Long-Term Treatment Resources View All Back To Top Gabapentin (Neurontin) is an anticonvulsant used to treat seizures and nerve pain. It is often prescribed “off-label†to treat migraines, fibromyalgia, and pain. Gabapentin is not currently a controlled substance because experts have always believed it showed little potential for abuse or dependence. Despite its legal status, gabapentin prescriptions have increased significantly over the past decade, and recent research points to an uptake in illicit abuse. Overview It is rare to experience withdrawal symptoms from gabapentin, but it does happen. A review of medical journals published between 1993, when gabapentin was approved, and 2015, found 18 case reports of gabapentin addiction, dependence, or withdrawal.?? Doctors publish case reports when they encounter a patient with a rare disorder or with a condition that they want to make their colleagues aware of. Case reports are significant because they help further knowledge and identify subjects worthy of future research. It’s worth noting that just because there are so few reports of gabapentin withdrawal, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s as rare as people once thought. It’s possible that many people simply don’t seek treatment for gabapentin withdrawal. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), gabapentin use is on the rise. Doctors wrote more than double the amount of gabapentin prescriptions in 2017 as they did in 2011.?? The illicit use of gabapentin also appears to be increasing. In a small survey of prescription drug abusers in Appalachian Kentucky, 15 percent reported using gabapentin to get high. That number is a 165 percent increase from the year prior and a 2,950 percent increase from 2008.?? It appears as though gabapentin dependence and withdrawal are most common among people who use at least one other substance, such as opioids or alcohol. In the case reports, all patients had past drug or alcohol addiction issues.?? Opioid users have reported using gabapentin to intensify their high. Cocaine users have reported the same, as well as attempts to use gabapentin to help alleviate cocaine withdrawal. Signs and Symptoms Among the documented cases, gabapentin withdrawal began between 12 hours and 7 days after the last dose.?? The majority saw withdrawal symptoms within 24 to 48 hours. Common Symptoms The most common symptom was agitation, occurring in about half of the recorded cases. Confusion and disorientation were the next most common symptoms, followed by:SweatingGastrointestinal symptomsTremorsFast heart rateHigh blood pressureInsomnia In many of the cases reported in the medical journals, individuals entered gabapentin withdrawal without the intention to do so.?? This was typically a result of running out of gabapentin or leaving it at home during a trip out of town. This sample of cases is unlikely to be reflective of most people’s experiences with gabapentin withdrawal. The reason for this is that only people with severe or alarming symptoms seek emergency medical treatment. Among the cases reported, gabapentin withdrawal symptoms typically peaked three days after someone’s last dose. In almost all cases, doctors eventually treated the symptoms by resuming the previous gabapentin dose.?? Once people resumed their dose, their symptoms disappeared within hours. Coping and Relief The best way to cope with gabapentin withdrawal will depend on the severity of your withdrawal symptoms and the state of your mental and physical health. Your current dose of gabapentin and your reasons for taking it are also important factors. Seek medical attention if you or someone you love is already experiencing symptoms of gabapentin withdrawal. If your loved one is showing signs of confusion or psychosis, take them to the emergency room. While it may sound odd, the best treatment for severe gabapentin withdrawal symptoms is gabapentin.?? Resuming your normal dose of gabapentin will get rid of potentially dangerous symptoms, like delirium. After resuming your normal dose, you should make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your motivations for quitting gabapentin. Your doctor can help you safely taper your dose. Tapering means taking progressively smaller doses of medication over a period of several weeks or months. Warnings While gabapentin withdrawal may not be well understood, the recorded cases are alarming. Many of the gabapentin withdrawal case studies involve people with a history of psychiatric or substance abuse problems.?? If you share either of these risk factors, there is cause for concern. Pre-Existing Conditions During detox and withdrawal, the symptoms of pre-existing conditions often return. People with a history of bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression, and epilepsy are all at risk. If you have been taking gabapentin for pain, your pain may return to pretreatment levels. People with these conditions may be safer detoxing in a hospital setting, where doctors are prepared to treat any possible complications. If you have a pre-existing condition or a history of complicated substance withdrawal, then you might want to consider spending the first few days of your withdrawal in a hospital or specialized inpatient detox facility. Pregnancy If you are pregnant, gabapentin can have unpredictable effects. There is one case study in which an infant was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit because she was born in gabapentin withdrawal.?? If you are pregnant, talk to your obstetrician about the safety of gabapentin and the possibility of tapering down before your baby is born. Long-Term Treatment Your long-term treatment plan for gabapentin dependence will depend on the presence of pre-existing conditions, including substance abuse, and your reasons for taking the drug in the first place. There are no clinical protocols designed to manage gabapentin withdrawal. You and your doctor can work together to figure out the best way forward. The general consensus seems to be that tapering off gabapentin can help prevent severe withdrawal symptoms. You could taper your dose at home, but it is best to stay in communication with your doctor. If you have been taking high doses of gabapentin that were prescribed by your doctor, then that doctor should be consulted before you taper on your own or stop taking the medication. Your doctor will talk about the risks and benefits of stopping gabapentin. Depending on your situation, risks could include seizures, opioid dependence, or pain. Your doctor may advise transitioning to a different medication before tapering off gabapentin completely. If you have been abusing your gabapentin prescription by mixing it with other drugs or alcohol, then tapering your dose may not be sufficient.?? Addiction is a complex disorder of the brain and it requires a long-term treatment plan. Comprehensive addiction treatment programs typically combine a variety of tactics to help you understand why you began abusing drugs in the first place. Individual and group therapy sessions can teach you how to recognize the negative behavioral patterns that lead you toward drugs. A counselor, therapist, or psychologist can also help you develop strategies for dealing with triggers and cravings. Resources If you or someone you love is experiencing serious signs of gabapentin withdrawal, such as confusion or delirium, do not hesitate to seek emergency medical attention. If you are planning to stop taking gabapentin, you will want to make an appointment with your prescribing doctor or a primary care doctor who can help see you through the tapering process. If you are struggling with addiction issues, especially if you’ve been mixing gabapentin with other drugs or alcohol, you will want to find long-term support. You have several options, including:?? A psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor in private practice or at a hospitalAn inpatient detox facilityAn addiction treatment center that offers inpatient or outpatient programsA peer support group, like Narcotics Anonymous (NA)A provider licensed to distribute buprenorphine, a treatment for opioid dependence To find a qualified professional in your area, you can use this searchable directory from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). You can also call SAMHSA’s national helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) to be referred to a provider in your area. SAMHSA also offers a searchable directory of buprenorphine and methadone providers. A Word From Verywell Withdrawal can be tough, especially when you’re withdrawing from more than one substance. If you have been using gabapentin with opioids, withdrawal from each substance can complicate the other. If you are being treated for opioid withdrawal, be sure to tell your doctor about your gabapentin use. The same goes for alcohol.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
The Captivating Conspiracy of President John F. Kennedy - Free Essay Example
A conspiracy theory is a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators (Conspiracy Theory). One of the most renowned conspiracy theories involves the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The President was shot by a man named Lee Harvey Oswald. Contrary to the widely accepted belief that Lee Harvey Oswald planned this alone, conspiracy theorists believe that he planned the assassination as part of a larger group of people, the Soviet Union. The theory that Oswald was working alongside the Soviet Union is proven by Oswalds connection with them and his unusual actions leading up to the assassination. The first reason why this theory is true is Lee Harvey Oswalds connections to the Soviet Union. After leaving the Marines he moved to the Soviet Union and tried to renounce his citizenship (Meltzer and Ferrell 133). Oswald lived in the Soviet Union for three years. While there, he married a Soviet woman. He also applied for citizenship but was denied, which caused him to attempt suicide (Meltzer and Ferrell 133). Oswald wanted to live in the Soviet Union rather than the United states which shows that he supported the them more than his own native country. This information supports the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was working with the Soviet Union in the assassination of the president because it displays the suspicious relationship between Oswald had with them. The second reason it is likely that Oswald was working alongside the Soviet Union is Oswalds peculiar actions prior to the assassination. In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald founded part of a pro-castro organization in New Orleans. Also, in September 1963, Oswald went to Mexico City. There he tried to get a visa to go to Cuba or return to the Soviet Union (November 22). Additionally, Oswald made a phone call to the Soviet embassy in Mexico City about two months before the assassination (Stanglin). The call indicates Oswald visited the embassy on Sept. 28 and spoke with the embassy consul, Valeriy Kostikov, who the report identified as a member of the KGB assassination department working undercover at the Soviet embassy in Mexico City (Stanglin). These unusual events help prove the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was working with the Soviet Union. In conclusion, there are to many suspicious factors in Oswalds life for it to be likely that he planned the assassination alone. Therefore, it could not be a coincidence that he had that many connections to the Soviet Union. This proves that Lee Harvey Oswald was working with them in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. If the United States government had believed in this theory, how could it effect the United States relationship with Russia today? Works Cited Conspiracy Theory. Merriam-Webster.com, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam webster.com/dictionary/conspiracy theory. Accessed 13 Nov. 2018 Meltzer, Brad, and Keith Ferrell. History Decoded: The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time. Workman Publishing Company, Inc., 2013. November 22, 1963: Death of the President. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/jfk-in-history/november-22-1963-death-of the-president. Stanglin, Doug. JFK Assassination Files: Oswald Meets KGB Officer at Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 4 Nov. 2017, www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/11/04/jfk-assassination-files-documenew-release-covers-oswald-calls-soveit-embassy-mexico-city-soviet-spie/832138001/.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Essay The Truth in the Lottery - 1338 Words
There are some things we as society will do without ever questioning why, for instance wishing on a shooting star into to get some good luck. Why do we do it? No one really has an answer for it, we just do. Traditions are something that is passed from generation to generation, even if we have no backing for what we do, we just know its â€Å"good†and its â€Å"tradition†so its apart of us. Shirley Jackson mocks our way of blindly following certain traditions. Characteristics of Jackson’s story create a parallel with Catholicism, by harping on our fear of change but our ability to manipulate what we want from our traditions and the basis of Catholicism’s belief of the innocence in children. Jackson uses friendly language among the villagers†¦show more content†¦By calling them young fools, Old Man Warner is criticizing them for changing something that has always been. For a character to know nothing but the Lottery for their whole life, ch anging something as big as thing tradition could be dire to their civilization. With the Catholic religion, it has been active for decades. Whether you are Catholic or not is passed through generations of families. When Catholicism is brought up through a family, children start going to church when they are very young, getting baptized and receiving their first communion all before they learn the age of 10. Through talking with many atheists/agnostics from Catholic families their stories all end the same. People get verbally crucified for not following in their religious tradition. Old Man Warner calling them â€Å"young fools†does exactly that, criticizes a village because of what they have stopped following. This draws a parallel for people’s fear of change. Families fear that their child’s world will completely change due to their lack of faith while Old Man Warner and other community members believe that their town will go to waste with out the Lot tery. The story itself is very detailed. Shirley Jackson gives the reader a lot of information about the lottery and brings up very interesting points. Jackson states that: At one time, some people remembered, there had been a recital of some sort, performed by the official of the lottery†¦ someShow MoreRelatedThe Truth Uncovered: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson616 Words  | 2 Pageswith big problems is a great way to describe the kind of town used as a setting in â€Å"The Lottery†. The town is a covered up mess and consists of horrible, low-down events. For example, some member of the town just cold-heartedly devoured a member of their own community. It all began when the villagers of the small town gathered together in the town square on a beautiful, sunny day for the town’s annual lottery. The author of this short story, Shirley Jackson, is an American author from San FranciscoRead MoreIrony In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson1436 Words  | 6 PagesTh e lottery was authored by a renowned and most celebrated literature icon among his peers during his time and beyond; one Shirley Jackson, and the text would be first published in 1948 the 26 of June (Jackson 110). The storyline is told following a literal trajectory of a cultural performance in a remote setting, known as the lottery. The author of this text describes a chain of themes in his work, and they include; tradition and customs, society and class, as well as family setups and hypocrisyRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson925 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"The Lottery†, written by Shirley Jackson, Jackson uses the third person objective point of view to narrate the story of a small unnamed town – presumably during the early Twentieth century – that practices a dark event annually. True to the fly-on-the-wall description of third person, the narrator of the story details the events unfolding from an objective and unbiased point of view, almost as if he or she is watching the entire scene from the outside. Jacksons’ choice of narration is an effectiveRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson Essay987 Words  | 4 PagesThe Lottery By: Shirley Jackson Summary: The Lottery happens in June every year in a small village of about 300 people. Its a tradition held annually for well over 80 years and Mr. Summers who oversees several civic activities in the community like square dances, teenage club, and the Halloween program as well as the Lottery. The Lottery normally starts around ten oclock in the morning and is finished around noon, the townspeople gather at the center of the town. A small old blackRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Lottery By Edgar Allan Poe970 Words  | 4 Pageslike Shirley Jackson, who was an American writer as well. Her stories were horrifying, but truth-telling. The kind that parents would find disturbing and would not want their children to be reading. Shirley just wrote books that explained life, she made people see the truth in others. She wanted to see the capacity that humans had for evil. Her stories were mainly about the reality of life and its horrific truths. Throughout her times she had receive d numerous awards, Edgar Allan Poe Award had been justRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Colonel By Carolyn Forche, The Play `` And `` The Lottery ``1220 Words  | 5 Pagescan come up with a presentation of how justice is displayed in our society. This paper will discuss the topic of justice as presented differently in the poem â€Å"The Colonel†by Carolyn Forche, the play. â€Å"No Crime†by Billy Goda, and the story â€Å"The Lottery â€Å"by Shirley Jackson. In the poem â€Å"The Colonel†by Carolyn Forche, the narrator is acting as a witness in a case where the colonel is a victim. The theme right to justice seems to be the author’s objective for composing the poem. From the poemRead MoreThe Lottery Essay1133 Words  | 5 Pagesbeginning of Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery,†the village congregates in the square on the â€Å"clear and sunny†(247) midsummer day of June 27th. The children are out of school, the flowers are blooming, and the grass is a vibrant green. Ursula K. Le Guin’s short story â€Å"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,†begins on â€Å"the Festival of Summer,†(242) which includes processions, dancing, singing, bells, and horses. Although the village in â€Å"The Lottery†and the city of Omelas appear pleasant andRead MoreThe Use of Selective Exposition in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson1315 Words  | 6 PagesA typical story is litter ed with details, explaining the history of the world the story takes place in, who the characters in the story are, all the while remaining correlated to the plot and subplots that drive the story forward. The story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson however does not follow these conditions, as the reader is left to interpret a majority of the story on their own as it progresses. Jackson is not the only writer to incorporate a style of selective exposition in their work; RaymondRead MoreAnalysis Of The Lottery 1036 Words  | 5 PagesSince reading The Lottery by Shirely Jackson, I’ve been thinking more about culture, traditions, and perspective. Not just that, but how it can sometimes take adopting an unbiased, non judgmental, or outside perspective in order to see things for what they really are. The way that the narrator in this story adopts such a position allows for a clearer view of the events of the story. In The Lottery, the narrator speaks to us in a non participant and objective manner. We hear and see events unfoldRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson981 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson artfully uses foreshadowing in order to build suspense and create a shocking ending. Jackson’s success in â€Å"The Lottery†comes from her ability to keep the reader in the dark about the evils, until the very end. She has masterfully set up what the reader believes as a pleasant event. But, it is not until the ending, can the reader see the foreshadowing of the evils to come. Through the use of foreshadowing, Jackson is able to contribute to the story s overall effect
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